Event description

- مغامرونا الأعزاء :
ندعوكم للانضمام إلى رحلة مسير جبلي من سد الرفيصة إلى استراحة السحب بين الجبال للاستمتاع بجمال الطبيعة و المناظر الجبلية الخلابة في مدينة خورفكان .

اليوم والتاريخ :
الاحد 11/12/2022
الوقت:3:30 مساءا

‏‎ معلومات الهايك :
مستوى المسار : من سهل إلى متوسط
مستوى اللياقة : متوسط
طول المسار : 4- 5 كم

‏‎ رسوم المشاركة :
5درهم للشخص

‏‎ سيتم توفير :
‏‎- ماء ،عصائر ،سناكات

الأعمار: من 10سنوات فما فوق.

‏‎ ما تحتاجون إحضاره معكم :
‏‎-ملابس مريحة للهايك وتحمي من أشعة الشمس .
‏‎-غطاء للرأس
‏‎-سناكات الهايك الخاصه بكم
-حذاء مناسب التسلق الجبلي.

** مكان الفعالية *
‏‏- نقطة التجمع : سد وادي الرفيصة - مدينة خورفكان
- وقت التجمع: الساعة 3عصرا ( يرجى الالتزام بالحضور بدون تأخير لتجنب التأخر في الانطلاق)
وقت الانطلاق : الساعة03:30 عصرا

Ar Rufaysah dam Hiking Trip

Dear Adventurers:

We invite you to join a mountain hike trip from ArRufaysah Dam to As Sohub Break Area enjoying the beauty of nature of Mountains and the scenic landscapes of KhorFakkan .

Day and date:
@ Sunday 11/12/2022
Start Time: 3:30 pm

Hiking info:
Track Level: easy to Moderate
Fitness Level: Medium
Track Length: 4-5 km

Participation Fee:
AED 50/- for the hiking.

Including :
Water, juices, snacks

Ages: 10 years and over.

What you need to bring with you:

- Comfortable clothes to protect from the sun's rays.
- Head cover
- Your hiking Snacks
- Suitable mountain climbing shoes.

** Venue of the event:
- Meeting point: Al Rufaisah Dam rest (Break)- Khorfakkan city

Gathering time: 03:00 pm. (please commit to coming without delay to avoid late departure)

Start time: 03:30 pm
Event partner

Location #

سد الرفيصة
خور فكان
United Arab Emirates

Walk #

Ar Rufaysah Dam Hiking Trip
Sun. 11 Dec. 2022
Hiking & Mountaineering
5 km

Registration #

Registration open
Sat. 3 Dec. 2022
Late fees apply from
Sat. 10 Dec. 2022
Registration close
Sun. 11 Dec. 2022 12:59 or sooner if the event is fully-booked.
Individual athletes
Refund policy
Fees are non-refundable.
If the athlete is unable to participate on race day due to any reason:
- the athlete can get a refund of the race entry up to 7 days before the event (subject to a 10% administration fee); or
- the athlete can transfer the race entry to a fellow athlete before the registration closing date (subject to terms of service and subject to the prevailing registration fee on the day of transfer)

Furthermore, this event is subject to refunds as follows:
- for refunds related to cancelled events, we will contact you and issue a refund automatically.
- for refunds related to rescheduled events, we will contact you with the new date and time ASAP. In case you can't make the event, refunds will be done upon request.
- store purchases are excluded from refunds.
- all refunds are subject to a 10% administration fee.

Practical info #

Course / track / circuit #

Support stations

Facilities & services #

No medical services
Changing rooms

Timing & certification #

No timing
No certificates
No medals


Ar Rufaysah Dam Hiking Trip #

  • Hiking & Mountaineering 5 km
Start date
Sun. 11 Dec. 2022
Start time
Start location
سد الرفيصة, خور فكان (AE)
Finish location
سد الرفيصة, خور فكان (AE)
Age categories
/ 10-75

Map & accomodation


Event contact
Essa Alalawi